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get to know j.o.y

The name Journey of Yourself is a great summary of this project that was given as a gift by spirituality so that we begin this journey of reconnection with our higher self, our essence, our perception that we are all one and that we are here to rediscover who we are. That it is possible to live our routine in a lighter way and with practices that raise our vibration, align our bodies (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) and in genuine relationships with other people.

We are a family owned and operated business.

The project is to promote connections between professionals in the field of holistic health, between women entrepreneurs, between people looking for the same path, between you and your inner wisdom, between you and nature.

WhatsApp Image 2020-08-03 at

How do we do it

  • Nature immersion camps;

  • Online experiences integrating different professionals to transmit their knowledge;

  • Online store Treasure collection where different women aligned with their purpose expose their brands and products that bring benefits to our four bodies by stimulating the collaborative economy where they all grow together;

  • Social networks with integrative and explanatory videos and posts about general knowledge;

  • Experiences and circles, because leaving the hierarchy is the great purpose and we develop this through the experience of living in a circle;

  • Support for social projects;

  • Vibrating LOVE.

a letter from joyce

Image by Jill Heyer
WhatsApp Image 2020-08-03 at

Hello my love, I came here to talk a little about myself so that you understand more about my journey on this Earth.

Graduated in Business Administration with an emphasis on Entrepreneurship in Brazil, with years of experience in the corporate world , 32 years old, I live in Perth - Western Australia.
Entrepreneur, where I've had several businesses of my own, I found my purpose and personal fulfillment in contact with spirituality and collective awakening. After a process of deep stress managing a factory with shop and coffee in Yallingup, South West Australia I awoke to the spiritual world and found truths and support to face the challenges of loneliness, exhaustion, overload and dissatisfaction that I lived. I saw myself as if everything was collapsing around me ... That's when I discovered Quantum Physics! Science that proves by the micro universe what happens in our physical reality, palpable.

This was the first door I opened and with an uncontrollable thirst for knowledge, I plunged into this ocean of possibilities to understand, know and accept me. From then on everything was like magic ... Ideas came to me (literally received from the universe), my guides showing where I should go, who I am and have been, what my mission is, people were appearing in front of me and the feeling of completeness has arrived.


Today, I understand that my greatest learning was and is Spiritual Intelligence. After understanding that we are complete beings, that we need to understand and take care of our bodies: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual and also take responsibility for our lives, our thoughts and feelings, the key has turned and everything has become lighter. Challenges continue to appear, but today with learning and conscious reflection. I don't like labels, I believe we are here to free ourselves from them, from limiting beliefs and old paradigms.


Formation and constant studies in: Multidimensional Reiki Shamballa, Shamanism 7 Rays, the Power of Plants, Uterine Vaporization through the technique of the Mayans, Planetary Server, Access Bars, Quantum Physics and neuroscience studies.

Do you know that phrase "The more we study the more we learn that we know nothing"? It's the truth!


The New Age has arrived and it is time to discover our own journey. And for that I invite you, to be with us in this process of expanding consciousness, of rediscovering the powerful being that you are, in this experience in Gaia so that together we can vibrate in love, in collaborativism, in sustainability and in nature, our great mother.

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